
Flail snail 5e
Flail snail 5e

flail snail 5e

When threatened by an opponent not easily dispatched by its whirling tentacles, the flail snail can retract its entire body into its massive spiral shell, plugging the opening with its four rock-hard flails. The average flail snail stands 8 feet high at the top of its shell and 12 feet long, though the highly elastic nature of its flesh allows it to stretch out much farther. Each swipe of these biological flails is capable of staving in a man’s chest, and though most creatures have plenty of time to retreat, those who press their luck or run afoul of the flail snail’s mucilaginous secretions come out the other side as a red smear on the cavern floor. At these times, the sedately waving tentacles on the creature’s head become an intricately woven blur, the horn-like growths at their tips whistling as they’re flung with terrific force by long strands of muscle. Slow and easily avoidable due to their telltale slime trails, flail snails tend to be peaceful unless actively threatened or approached too closely. Yet the most curious trait of this docile denizen lies is in the singular properties of its shell, which not only defends the creature against magic, but is capable of warping spells and flinging them back at their caster. As slow for its size as its diminutive cousins, the flail snail fears little from underground predators, thanks to its nigh-impermeable armor and the powerful, mace-like pseudopods that give it its name. Of all the bizarre creatures that haunt the caves and crevasses of the subterranean world, the flail snail is one of the strangest. Known for their magic-warping shells, flail snails roam slowly through subterranean caverns writing great epics in their slime trails. Treasure standard (shell worth 800 gp, other treasure)įlail snails are intelligent gastropods that subsist on fungus, mold, and vermin, though they may attack larger creatures in self-defense. Organization solitary, pair, or rout (3-30) Spell rebounds on caster (as spell turning). The creature nearest the flail snail is affected as if the spell had been cast on it instead.

flail snail 5e

For the next 1d4 rounds, the caster must make a DC 15 concentration check to successfully cast spells. If a spell is warped, roll 1d10 and consult the following table.

flail snail 5e

Only spells that directly target the flail snail are warped area effect spells are not affected. Warp Magic (Su)Īnytime a spell targets a flail snail, there is an 80% chance that it produces a random effect instead of affecting the snail. Suction (Ex)Ī flail snail’s foot adheres to surfaces so well that its 10-foot climb speed applies even to perfectly sheer surfaces and ceilings, with no chance of the flail snail falling off unless it is actively pinned and peeled away as part of a grapple. While the slime rope exists, other creatures can climb the rope with a DC 20 Climb check. Once the snail breaks contact with the rope, the slime decomposes in 1d4 rounds. It can climb back up this rope at a speed of 10 feet per round. Slime Rope (Ex)Ī flail snail can turn its mucus into a ropelike strand up to 60 feet long, and can use this rope to hang itself and up to 1,000 extra pounds from the ceiling indefinitely, or to lower itself safely at a speed of 20 feet per round.


It can return to normal as a free action. Retraction (Ex)Ī flail snail can pull its fleshy parts into its shell as a swift action, increasing its natural armor bonus by +6, but it cannot move or attack while retracted. A square of mucus exposed to a fire source dries and reverts to normal. Flail snails can move through either type of slime with ease. Only one type of mucus can be in effect at a time in any one square. Sticky mucus transforms squares into difficult terrain. A character who attempts to move through an area covered in slippery mucus must make a DC 14 Reflex save each round or fall prone. This mucus comes in two types: slimy and sticky. Languages Flail Snail (sign language, slime writing, cannot speak)Īs a free action, a flail snail can excrete a trail of mucus that covers its space and lasts for 10 minutes. Skills Climb +15, Perception +5, Stealth +0 Str 16, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 8īase Atk +4 CMB +8 CMD 17 (can’t be tripped) Perception +5ĪC 18, touch 8, flat-footed 18 (-1 Dex, +10 natural, -1 size)ĭefensive Abilities retraction, warp magic Immune poison Resist fire 10 Init -1 Senses blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, tremorsense 60 ft.

Flail snail 5e